Kenzo’s Testimony

Hope Japan was definitely the highlight of 2013. I believe through this experience I became closer to God and closer to the members of JIBC.

Key Events and People I met in Japan

Abe Sensei  – taught us  about his role in helping the tsunami victims.

Tomokawa  Sensei –  Gave us the opportunity  to worship with his congregation and see the ministry he does through his kindergarten.  We also got to eat a delicious unagi dinner.

Dawn Sensei  –  We prepared materials for the art projects, sang songs and cooked dinner for the people in the temporary housing units.  We also were able to go door to door distributing fliers inviting the community to the upcoming ministry events.

Hiroshi san- Drove Yuki and I to and the airport at the end of week 1. He was very generous to drive us to the airport at 5:30 in the morning.  It was such a beautiful sunrise that he even pulled over along the way, so we could take pictures of the sunrise .

God’s unseen hand of provision

God ordained this moment and all I had to do was to walk obediently and into the opportunity. For this, I give God all the glory.

God gave me a loving and supportive wife who was able to be at home taking care of the children. In addition he gave me the opportunity to take a week of vacation from my full time job. And in my part time job I was given more work with a pay increase and permission to attend Hope Japan.

I was also on the same flight as Pastor Yaso and had no difficulties arriving to our destination at Takajira Church.  Not only was I one of the youngest team members, but I was blessed to be with a number of women who were not only wiser than me, but really good cooks.  Let’s just say it beat eating the processed food from the convenient store.

God also provided me the opportunity to bond with my younger brother. I was able to spend time in work and prayer with him, and as a result we have become closer.

I returned safely and did not get sick or suffer from jet lag. I returned home in better health and in a better economic situation than before I had left.  God knows everything we need before we ask. I am thankful to serve a Gracious and Loving God; A God who is not interested in sacrifice or perfection, but a person with a willing and obedient spirit. This mission trip reminds me of the importance of Isaiah words:  “Here I am. Send me.”

One thought on “Kenzo’s Testimony

  1. Dear Kenzo, We love your testimony. We are sure the people you and your group touched will forever be itched in their minds. You all opened the door for God to freely enter.Your brother and sister in Christ,Harry and Carlene

    Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 22:39:45 +0000 To:

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